Opening Hours

Monday - Saturday
8:30 AM - 6:00 PM

Where are All These Nervous Breakdowns Coming From and What Can Help?


Being in my line of work, I often get friends and family approaching me about mental health questions. Sometimes specific, but sometimes very general as well and I notice [...]

Where are All These Nervous Breakdowns Coming From and What Can Help?2023-10-20T05:09:47-07:00

Anger Issues Symptoms Seen By Counselors as Complicated But Treatable


Irritable, frustrated, aggressive, annoyed, stubborn, disrespectful - these are all symptoms we might associate with persons we’ve encountered who are what we describe as ‘angry’. But what exactly is [...]

Anger Issues Symptoms Seen By Counselors as Complicated But Treatable2023-11-22T02:25:21-08:00

Definition of Bipolar: A New Perspective from a Christian Counselor


Bipolar can feel like a psychological and physiological barrier to living a satisfying life. With mood fluctuations, highs and lows, uncertainty about origins of intense feelings, bipolar can begin [...]

Definition of Bipolar: A New Perspective from a Christian Counselor2023-10-06T05:03:39-07:00