Welcome to Bothell Christian Counseling

Bothell Christian Counseling serving the communities Bothell, Kirkland, Bellevue, Mill Creek, Woodinville, Lynnwood, Redmond.

Join us at Bothell Christian Counseling, find direction in your life. Receive quality individual, marriage/couple, or family therapy from Professional and Licensed Christian Counselors with insurance reimbursement from most providers. Areas of Service include: individual therapy, marriage and family therapy, adolescent therapy, depression, anxiety, relationship issues, stress management, self esteem, life transition, isolation and loneliness, grief and loss, abuse, self harm, and spiritual guidance counseling within a Christian counseling perspective.

  • Build confidence in overcoming insecurities
  • Improve communication skills
  • Deepen intimacy in relationships
  • Hope for sexual wholeness
  • Strengthen faith and spirituality
  • Reclaim your voice in abusive relationships
  • Regain a balanced sense of well-being and reduce anxiety
  • Enrich life through marriage and family counseling
  • Break free of depression

Christian Counselor Directory

Group Counseling

Counseling groups are forming at Seattle Christian Counseling. Groups include Men’s Sexual Addiction Recovery by Chris Chandler. Experience the power and support of being part of a community seeking restoration and healing together. Limited openings are available!

Recent Articles

When Grief Comes Home: Dealing With Grief

Life as a journey can sometimes seem like a passage through a valley of tears. There are many joys to be had in this life like having friends, family, meaningful careers, ways to enjoy leisure, and the beautiful world around us. But our lives are also pockmarked with pain and loss of various kinds. One of the ways we respond to loss, whether it’s already [...]

Awaken the Dreamer: Reviving Lost Hope

Most inventions noted in human history were first introduced as ideas that masqueraded as impossibilities. That is until the inventor’s childlike curiosity took hold and wouldn’t release until they birthed innovation. It isn’t that we aren’t able to dream as adults, but sometimes we have forgotten how. We overload our minds and bodies with a flurry of activity that squeezes out the space and time [...]

When and How to Leave a Toxic Relationship

Our relationships play a profound role in shaping us as people. In them, we can find our most ardent supporters who challenge us to become the best versions of ourselves and to exceed even our wildest dreams. These people help us to flourish and become the loving and whole human beings that God made us to be, and they are truly a blessing in our [...]

Building Healthy Relationships Despite a Fear of Abandonment

Our past can have a profound impact on our present and future well-being. If you were hurt in a past relationship, it’s possible to carry that pain with you into your other relationships. The new relationship can end up bearing the burden of the past relationship – for instance through trust issues and having difficulty opening up due to a past betrayal – leading to [...]

Procrastination and Mental Health: Finding Support

At some time or another, anyone can struggle to push themselves through an unwanted or difficult assignment or task. However, people with mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, and ADHD, are far more likely to struggle with procrastination than someone without these issues. Research has shown that procrastination is both a cause and a result of stress, particularly for those with a mental health [...]

Avoidance Anxiety and Its Affects on Your Life

Avoidance anxiety results from trying to avoid those things that cause you to be uncomfortable or fearful. When facing fears, a person experiences anxiety. Avoidance anxiety is a disorder that a person experiences when they know they are facing a situation they don’t think they can overcome. As the person tries to avoid the situation and the anxiety it causes, they may exhibit behaviors that [...]