Opening Hours

Monday - Saturday
8:30 AM - 6:00 PM

About Kat Foley

As a Christian counselor, I believe our relationship with Jesus Christ, as well as faith and biblical principles, serve as the foundation of the therapeutic alliance. Whether you are suffering from depression, anxiety, trauma, or a clinical disorder, I provide a safe space in which you can identify and work through your presenting problems by using God’s Word and the power of prayer coupled with evidence-based practice as guidance. I am part of a multicultural family, and I work well with individuals from various multicultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. I look forward to serving you as you see God move and transform your life!

The Benefits of Forgiving Others: What it Does (and Doesn’t Do) For You  

, 2024-12-30T03:59:20-08:00

We were designed to flourish best in relationships with others. That’s one part of what it means when we say that human beings are social creatures. Being in relationships [...]

The Benefits of Forgiving Others: What it Does (and Doesn’t Do) For You  , 2024-12-30T03:59:20-08:00

Ministry and Bipolar Behavior: Finding Hope in Christian Counseling

, 2024-12-30T04:02:39-08:00

When you have bipolar behavior related to bipolar disorder, everyday life can feel like living on a rollercoaster over which you have zero control. Psychiatrists will prescribe mood stabilizers [...]

Ministry and Bipolar Behavior: Finding Hope in Christian Counseling, 2024-12-30T04:02:39-08:00