Contact Bothell Christian Counseling

We at Bothell Christian Counseling look forward to beginning our counseling relationship with you. Feel free to use the following form to contact us with any questions you may have about our services, or to inquire about an initial risk-free appointment. You can contact one of our counselors directly, or send a general inquiry email to our central office.

Alternatively, you can contact our reception team at (425) 939-7959.

Contact Us  (425) 939-7959

Bothell Christian Counseling
A Division of Seattle Christian Counseling
10116 Main St. Suite 204
Bothell, WA 98011

(425) 939-7959

Directions to Bothell Counseling:

-Take Highway 522 west toward Seattle
-Continue on WA-522 West/Woodinville Drive
-At second light, turn right, at an angle, onto Kaysner Way NE
-Go through stop sign at top of hill, go one block, then turn left onto NE 183rd Street
-On NE 183rd St, go through 1 stop sign, then turn into second entrance into parking lot on the left.
-The blue building on the far side of the parking lot is 10116 Main St. You will be entering from the back of the building.
-Use door at right hand (west) side of Mills Music building.
-Go up stairs to waiting room and office.

From I-5 (from south)

-Take 145th St exit off I-5, turn right (east) on NE 145th St.
-Turn left on Lake City Way (522).
-Go east on 522 all the way to Bothell Way NE
-Turn Left onto Bothell Way NE, go 2 blocks to NE 183rd St.
-Turn right onto NE 183rd St, and proceed through 1 stop sign.
-Turn left into the second parking lot after that stop sign.
-The blue building on the far side of the parking lot is 10116 Main St. You will be entering from the back of the building.
-Use door at right hand (west) side of Mills Music building.
-Go up stairs to waiting room and office.

From I-5 (from the north)

-Take the 205th Ballinger Way exit from I-5
-Turn left at the exit light. You will be on Ballinger Way.
-Turn left at the exit light. You will be on Ballinger Way.
-Take this to the “T” in Lake Forest Park, and turn left onto 522, or Bothell Way NE.
-Go east on 522 all the way to Bothell Way NE
-Turn Left onto Bothell Way NE
-Turn right onto NE 183rd St, and proceed through 1 stop sign.
-Turn right into the second parking lot after that stop sign.
-The blue building on the far side of the parking lot is 10116 Main St. You will be entering from the back of the building.
-Use door at right hand (west) side of Mills Music building.
-Go up stairs to waiting room and office.

From Mill Creek, Canyon Park area

-Take 527 South
-Follow Bothell Everett Highway (this is 527)
-Turn left onto NE 183rd Street; go through 1 stop sign.
-Turn right into the second parking lot after that stop sign.
-The blue building on the far side of the parking lot is 10116 Main St. You will be entering from the back of the building.
-Use door at right hand (west) side of Mills Music building.
-Go up stairs to waiting room and office.

If you are unable to find this location please call your therapist five minutes before your session begins.

Click here for a more detailed map
10116 Main St. Suite 204
Bothell, WA 98011

Click on balloon pins below for directions to each location